ISSN 2712-7834
Dyachenko Vladimir

Dyachenko Vladimir

PhD (Philos. Sci.), Senior researcher, Institute of economic research FEB RAS (Khabarovsk, Russia)

Lazareva Victoria

Lazareva Victoria

PhD (Econ. Sci.), Associate Professor, Acting head of the Department of economic theory and public administration, Amur state university (Blagoveshchensk, Russia)

Burlaev Evgenij

Burlaev Evgenij

Chief specialist-expert, Territorial body of the Federal state statistics service for the Amur region (Blago-veshchensk, Russia)

Assessment of territorial mobility and migration of the population in the Far East (on the example of the Amur Region)

The purpose of the study is to assess the development of migration processes in the Far East in the context of modern territorial mobility of the population and transformations in the labor market. The choice of the research object is determined by a significant reduction in the population of the region in recent decades under the influence of migration. Based on official statistics, the analysis of territorial mobility of the population and external labor migration in the Amur region was carried out. The characteristics of migration flows, outflow and redistribution of the population within the Far East are given. The expansion of employment practice outside the places of residence by using the shift method of work organization and pendulum migration is shown.

Keywords: migration; population; territorial mobility; labor mobility; Far East; Amur region.

For citation: Dyachenko V.N., Lazareva V.V., Burlaev E.A. Assessment of territorial mobility and migration of the population in the Far East (on the example of the Amur Region) // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – 2023. – No. 1. – P. 72–85.
DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2023.01.05
Количество посещений страницы: 26