ISSN 2712-7834
Chukharev Andrey

Chukharev Andrey

Institute of Foreign Languages, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (Moscow, Russia).

Dynamics and features of internal migration processes in the reunified Germany

The article examines the change in the population of Germany after its reunification in 1990 in the context of East-West regional dichotomy. A general analysis of the population size and structure in the old and new states revealed a transformation of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, which suggests an imbalance on the territories under consideration. In this process internal migration played an important role. Its flows were mainly oriented from east to west. The article traces the dynamics and identifies the key features of the population outflow from East Germany, examines the socio-economic causes of this phenomenon and the measures taken by the federal government to eliminate them.

Keywords: internal migration; demographic problems; regional differences; social policy; Germany.

For citation: Chukharev A.V. Dynamics and features of internal migration processes in the reunified Germany // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – 2024. – N 1. – P. 115–126.
DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2024.01.07
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