ISSN 2712-7834
Polozhikhina Maria

Polozhikhina Maria

PhD (Geogr. Sci.), Leading Researcher of the Department of Economics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

The evolution of the consumer society: from Jacqueline Kennedy to Greta Thunberg

Examining the socio-economic foundations of the emergence and development of the consumer society as well as theoretical approaches to understanding this phenomenon, the text outlines the evolution of economic activities in relation to the evolution of needs and the current trends in the transformation of the consumer society.

Keywords: needs; consumption; consumer society; theoretical concepts; directions of economic activities; development trends.

For citation: Polozhikhina M.A. The evolution of the consumer society: from Jacqueline Kennedy to Greta Thunberg // Social novelties and Social sciences. – No 2. – p. 7-36.
DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2020.02.01
Количество посещений страницы: 177