SOCIO-ECONOMIC INTEGRATION: past, present, future
Introducing the issue
The space of discourse
- Dynamics of the integration agenda in the commonwealth of independent states (full text in Russian)
- Prospects for Eurasian socio-economic integration in the post-war period (view from Armenia) (full text in Russian)
- Directions of public-private partnerships' development in the EAEU as a factor of integration (full text in Russian)
- Cultural bases for civil integration in modern Kazakhstan: contradictions and prospects (full text in Russian)
- European economic integration in the time of the corona crisis (full text in Russian)
- The cooperation council for the Arab states of the gulf: past and present (review) (full text in Russian)
Point of view
- The Brexit phenomenon: what has changed for the UK economy (full text in Russian)
- EU state aid policy at the national level as a response to the challenges of modernity (full text in Russian)
- Main trends in the functioning of enterprises with the participation of capital from the EAEU countries in Kazakhstan (full text in Russian)
Man in the digital world
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