ISSN 2712-7834
Buluktaev Yury

Buluktaev Yury

DrS (Polit. Sci.), Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies KN MES RK (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Cultural bases for civil integration in modern Kazakhstan: contradictions and prospects (full text in Russian)

The article is devoted to the process of civil integration in modern Kazakhstan. The socio-cultural aspects of integration processes, cultural landmarks, the logic of cultural unity and diversity are considered. An assessment of the cultural foundations of the process of civil integration in public opinion is presented in the results of sociological surveys conducted by the Institute of рhilosophy, рolitical science and religious studies of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Achievements, contradictions and prospects for civil integration are analyzed through the prism of the public opinion of Kazakhstanis about the state of interethnic relations, historical memory, sociolinguistic situation. It is concluded that the process of internal consolidation and civil integration in modern Kazakhstan occurs under the influence of various political, ethnic and socio-cultural factors.

Keywords: Республика Казахстан; культура; идентичность; гражданская общность; интеграция

For citation: Buluktaev Y.O. Cultural bases for civil integration in modern Kazakhstan: contradictions and prospects // Social Novelties and Social Sciences : [electronic journal]. – 2022. – № 2. – P. 46–57.
DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2022.02.04
Количество посещений страницы: 51