Semeko Galina
PhD (Econ. Sci.), Leading Researcher of the Department of Economics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
EU state aid policy at the national level as a response to the challenges of modernity (full text in Russian)
The article analyzes changes in the EU policy in the field of state assistance to national producers in connection with the aggravation of socio-economic problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic and anti-Russian sanctions, as well as in the course of implementing the strategic task of a dual transition to a green and digital economy. The mitigation of strict pan-European norms and rules for regulating state aid, observed in recent years, is a departure from the basic principles of economic integration and strengthens disintegration tendencies. The consequences and risks of adjusting the pan-European policy in the field of state aid are considered.
Keywords: European Union; state aid; competition policy; economic integration; liquidity support; employment support
For citation: Semeko G.V. EU state aid policy at the national level as a response to the challenges of modernity // Social Novelties and Social Sciences : [electronic journal]. – 2022. – N 2. – P. 109–128.DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2022.02.08
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