Bolshakova Olga
PhD (Hist. Sci.), Leading Researcher at theDepartment of History, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Political consumerism as a form of civic activity
The article examines the phenomenon of political consumerism as an individualized manifestation of civic activism, which became widespread in the course of globalization at the beginning of the new millennium. It identifies its main instruments: boycotting certain goods to achieve social justice and, conversely, buying goods to support individual producers (boycotting). It is emphasized that this new form of political participation is complementary to the traditional ones – electoral activity, demonstrations and picketing, signing various petitions, etc.
Keywords: Political consumerism; consumer-citizen; political participation; globalization; boycotting of goods / buycotting
For citation: Bolshakova O.V. Political consumerism as a form of civic activity // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – 2022. – № 3. – P. 7–26.DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2022.03.01
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