ISSN 2712-7834
Poghosyan Gevorg

Poghosyan Gevorg

DrS (Soc. Sci.), Scientific Head of Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of Armenian National Academy of Sciences (Yerevan, Armenia)

Poghosyan Rima

Poghosyan Rima

PhD in Psychology, Senior researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia.

Digital tranzit to the metasocium : the intervention of artificial intelligence

This article deals with current modernization processes that lead to the gradual intellectualization of technology. The expanding processes of digitalization of social life and the active development of artificial intelligence are creating a new social reality – a metasociety into which active human activity is gradually being transferred. The problems of complex dynamics of the social development are discussed in the context of modern trends in the nonlinear new world order. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of new forms of artificial intelligence which are widespread on the Internet. The advantages and risks associated with the rapid entry of artificial intelligence into our social reality are discussed. In particular, such new trends that have emerged after the COVID-19 pandemic as the remote work, digital technologies and the transfer to the virtual sphere of many forms of human activity are considered.

Keywords: social digitalization; artificial intelligence; new sociality; fragmentation and remote activity.

For citation: Poghosyan G.A., Poghosyan R.M. Digital tranzit to the metasocium : the intervention of artificial intelligence // Social novelties and social sciences. – 2023. – N 4. – P. 22–33.
DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2023.04.02
Количество посещений страницы: 43