Bolshakova Olga
PhD (Hist. Sci.), Leading Researcher at theDepartment of History, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Amerika magazine and cultural diplomacy during the Cold War. Rec. ad op.: Cucuz D. Winning women’s hearts and minds: selling Cold War culture in the us and the USSR
Keywords: public diplomacy; cultural diplomacy; Cold War; Amerika magazine; 1950 s – 1960 s; gender norms; conservative model of femininity in the United States
For citation: Bolshakova O.V. Amerika magazine and cultural diplomacy during the Cold War. Rec. ad op.: Cucuz D. Winning women’s hearts and minds: selling Cold War culture in the us and the USSR. – Toronto: University of Toronto press, 2023. – XVI, 317 p. // Social novelties and social sciences. – 2024. – N 4. – P. 62–74.DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2024.04.05
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