Melnikov Andrey
Ph.D (Engineering Sci.), head of innovative programs and R&D department, Pipeline transport institute (PTI) (Moscow, Russia)

Bachurin Alexander
Ph.D (Engineering Sci.), Leading researcher of the innovative programs sector, Pipeline transport institute (PTI) (Moscow, Russia)

Raspopov Andrey
Ph.D (Engineering Sci.), deputy director of the innovative programs center, R&D and industry standardization, Pipeline transport institute (PTI) (Moscow, Russia)

Tsvetkova Valentina
DrS (Tech. Sci.), professor, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Actual aspects of the development and implementation of artificial intelligence systems in organizations
The article presents an overview of topical issues that arise in organizations during the development and implementation of artificial intelligence systems. Various barriers to the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies and the possibilities of overcoming them are considered. Approaches to modeling artificial intelligence systems and features of their integration with traditional corporate systems are presented, taking into account which allows increasing employee loyalty to these innovations, as well as reducing the level of complexity of adapting and scaling new technology in organizations.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; data analytics; modeling; decision-making; corporate management systems.
For citation: Actual aspects of the development and implementation of artificial intelligence systems in organizations / Melnikov A.V., Bachurin A.I., Raspopov A.A., Tsvetkova V.A. // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – Moscow : INION RAN, 2021. – N 2. – Pp. 38–46.DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2021.02.03
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