Moon Dmitry
Ph.D (Econ. Sci.), Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Agency" Emercom" MCHS of Russia, co-founder of the international expert community "RISK.TODAY"(Moscow, Russia)

Popeta Vladislav
PhD (Engineering Sci.), cofounder and President of the international expert community "RISK.TODAY" (Moscow, Russia)
On Artificial Intelligence: controversial technologies
The article considers features of the use of artificial intelligence in various areas. Examples of ambiguous and not always constructive application of such technologies are presented. Attention is focused on the need to form systems and legal foundations of security working with AI technologies.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; fake news; controversial technologies; risks; safety.
For citation: Moon D.V., Popeta V.V. A little about artificial intelligence: controversial technologies // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – Moscow : INION RAN, 2021. – N 2. – Pp. 26–37.DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2021.02.02
Количество посещений страницы: 98