ISSN 2712-7834
Mikailova Irina

Mikailova Irina

DrS (Fil. Sci.), professor, Saint-Petersburg Humanitarian Center of Education (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Global digitalization of sociocultural reproduction: “deus ex machina” or the end of the human era?

The article is focused on discussing the new methodological approach from the terms of Synergetic Historicism, to the study on specifics of reproducing digital culture and its influence on individual and collective consciousness. The results of the investigation in question based on the Method of Dual Oppositions and the Law of Self-Organizing Social and Cultural Ideals, showed that the global digital transformation toward substituting the biological human brain for Artificial Intelligence threaten Humanity not only with the irreversible transformation of human nature, but also with the end of Human Era. The results of the analysis as deconstructive implications for the reproduction of digital culture in recent years indicate that the selected path contributes to deepen the divide between digital culture and the subjects of reproduction, as well as the worsening of the problem, which was initially focused digitization process.

Keywords: digital culture; digital revolution; law of self-organizing social and cultural ideals; dual oppositions; homo digitalis; digital transformations of human consciousness.

For citation: Mikailova I.G. Global digitalization of sociocultural reproduction: “deus ex machina” or the end of the human era? // Social novelties and Social sciences. – Moscow: INION RAN, 2021. – No 1. – 121–132 Pp.
DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2021.01.10
Количество посещений страницы: 67