ISSN 2712-7834
Bogdan Nina

Bogdan Nina

DrS (Econ. Sci.), professor, Belarusian State University of Economics (Minsk, Belarus)

Innovations and human capital of Belarus

The article discusses the modern directions of innovation policy related to the digitalization of the economy and the tasks of developing human capital. Problems of measuring the effectiveness of the use of human potential and the challenges of using human capital in Belarus in the context of creating a digital economy are identified. The necessity of application a “human-centered” concept of social development has been substantiated.

Keywords: human capital; innovation; financing; education; public administration; Belarus.

For citation: Bogdan N.I Modern innovations and human capital of Belarus // Social novelties and Social sciences. – Moscow : INION RAN, 2021. – No 1. – 35–45 Pp.
DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2021.01.04
Количество посещений страницы: 62