Artamonov Vladimir
DrS (Tech. Sci.), Academician of the International Academy of Information Technologies (IAIT) (Minsk, Belarus)

Artamonova Elena
PhD (Tech. Sci.), member of the International Academy of Information Technologies (IAIT), Head of the Internet project in the field of information security (Minsk, Belarus).
Problems of education in the post-industrial era
Considering the problems of education in the post-industrial era, the authors present the key concepts and make an attempt to describe the post-industrial reality as a volatile and complex system. Тhe authors discuss new approaches in technical and corporate education. A model of the development of «post-industrial education» is proposed, which helps to understand the main trends and challenges that await the education system in the future. The problems of «post-visual reality» and distance education are discussed, technical and organizational methods of its implementation are considered. In accordance with the concept of «life-long learning», conclusions are drawn about the changing roles of students and teachers.
Keywords: post-industrial era; education; distance learning; learning management system; life-long learning; corporate education; technical education.
For citation: Artamonova E.V., Artamonov V.A. Problems of education in the post-industrial era // Social novelties and Social sciences. – Moscow : INION RAN, 2021. – No 1. – 65–79 Pp.DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2021.01.06
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