Ivanovskiy Boris
PhD (Econ. Sci.), Leading Researcher at the Department of Economics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Digitalization of higher education in Europe and Russia: benefits and risks
The article analyzes the attitude to the digitalization of higher education in the developed countries of the world and especially in Europe. The benefits and risks that arise from the use of digital technologies in the educational process are defined. The impact of the pandemic on accelerating the adoption of virtual platforms and online courses and related problems of teaching quality is being studied. The peculiarities of the use of digital technologies in the field of higher education of the Russian Feleration are considered.
Keywords: Europe; Russia; higher education; digitalization of education; distance learning; virtual programs.
For citation: Ivanovskiy B.G. Digitalization of higher education in Europe and Russia: Benefits and risks // Social novelties and Social sciences. – Moscow: INION RAN, 2021. – No 1. – 80–95 Pp.DOI: 10.31249/snsn/2021.01.07
Количество посещений страницы: 64