Semeko Galina
PhD (Econ. Sci.), Leading Researcher of the Department of Economics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Author's articles:
- Information security in the financial sector: cybercrime and counteraction strategy — №1(1) 2020
- Artificial Intelligence in the Banking Sector: Opportunities and Challenges — №2(4) 2021
- Consumer lending in the modern consumer society: development problems and consequences — №3(5) 2021
- Central banks digital currency: Principles, potential and challenges — №1(6) 2022
- EU state aid policy at the national level as a response to the challenges of modernity (full text in Russian) — №2(7) 2022
- Regional payment integration: world experience and lessons for the EAEU — №3(12) 2023